Rocktober Climbing Competition Rules and Format.

Quy tắc ứng xử chung cho người leo:

We expect that all competitors will treat other climbers, judges, belayers, and volunteers with respect, and represent themselves well. Failure to do so may result in disqualification from the event.

The use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol while competing at Push’s Rocktober Fest is strictly prohibited.

Top Rope /Lead Competition Rules

If climbers fall, their attempt ends and is lowered. The climber must start at the back of the line for their next attempt.

All belayers MUST be certified to belay by the Push’s Rocktober fest staff. Belayers or climbers exhibiting unsafe practices will be replaced.

The belayer must leave an appropriate amount of slack in the rope, at all times. Tension on the rope may be deemed as an artificial aid or hindrance to a competitor and may result in disqualification of the attempt.

1 lượt leo núi được coi là bắt đầu khi cả hai chân thí sinh đã rời khỏi mặt đất.

The climber must CONTROL the finish hold on a roped route, but is not required to match hands to receive points for the completion of that route. The climber must establish contact with the route judge so that the judge may verify control of the finish hold.

The weighting of the rope will be considered a fall.

Sự cố kỹ thuật:

Sự cố kỹ thuật bao gồm:

o Mấu đá bị hư hay xoay

o Băng keo bị dính vào giày leo

o Vết thương hở

Bất cứ điều gì khác gây bất lợi không công bằng cho thí sinh mà không phải do chủ quan thí sinh gây ra.

o If a technical incident occurs, the climber may reclimb the route from the beginning without penalty It is the climber’s responsibility to ensure that his/her clothing, chalk bag, and other equipment are properly secured.

Không có căn cứ kỹ thuật nếu các vật dụng nêu trên cản trở người leo núi.

Người leo núi phải khai báo các mấu bị xoay hoặc các sự cố kỹ thuật khác NGAY KHI PHÁT HIỆN.

If the competitor feels he/she is the subject of an unfair disadvantage while climbing, he/she must declare so WHILE ON THE ROUTE. If the route judge agrees that the incident has created an unfair disadvantage, the competitor will be lowered to the ground and will be allowed another attempt on the route, with no penalty incurred.

If the route judge does not agree that a technical incident has occurred, the competitor must continue his/her current attempt on the route.

If a competitor does not agree with the score, he or she must appeal to the Chief Judge

Trường hợp bị loại:

Những hành vi sau đây có thể dẫn đến việc thí sinh bị loại ngay lập tức khỏi cuộc thi:

o Sử dụng các thiết bị không được cho phép

o Z Clipping – Skipping Hangers

o Việc sử dụng bất kỳ nút thắt nào ngoài nút số 8 sẽ phải thắt thêm 1 nút phụ sau đó

o Mở nút thắt an toàn khi đang leo

o Distracting or interfering with any competitor, who is preparing for, or attempting a route.

o Làm mất tập trung hoặc can thiệp vào việc của nhân viên khi họ đang thực hiện nhiệm vụ của mình.

o Việc thí sinh từ chối tuân theo chỉ dẫn của trọng tài có thể để chấm dứt lượt leo của họ dẫn đến việc thí sinh đó bị loại.

o The use of prohibited drugs, and/or use of alcohol at any point during the event, including but not limited to, registration and check-in is considered unsporting behavior.

If a climber falls, their attempt ends.

1 lượt leo núi được coi là bắt đầu khi cả hai chân thí sinh đã rời khỏi mặt đất.

The climber must CONTROL the finish hold on a roped route, but is not required to match hands to receive points for the completion of that route. The climber must establish contact with the route judge so that the judge may verify control of the finish hold.

The climber must establish contact with the route judge so that the judge may verify control of the finish hold. The Coordinator may choose to allow competitors with their scorecards in a queue, to also make one last attempt (time permitting). Otherwise, climbers MUST turn in their scorecards.

o Hanger, bù loong hay quickdraw không bao giờ được dùng để leo lên như mấu chân hay mấu tay

o Neither the side edges nor the top edge of the wall shall be used for climbing unless specifically designated as part of the route/problem.

Chỉ sử dụng mấu đá được thiết kế cho từng đường leo

Nếu bạn có câu hỏi, giảm khảo sẽ phổ biến lại luật cho bạn trước khi bạn leo.

The Route Judge may order an attempt ended if he or she decides that proceeding further would contravene the regulations regarding the safety of the competitor.

Nếu thí sinh không nghe theo hướng dẫn dừng leo núi khi trọng tài ra hiệu thí sinh đó có thể bị loại

Vòng Tính Điểm

This is a flash/redpoint format competition – points are awarded if the climber completes each route or boulder problem without falling. Climbers are allowed as many attempts on each problem as they can do, however, each attempt is worth -10 points.

The number of points awarded is based on the number of attempts used to complete the route.


All of the competitor’s top rope completed climbs will be used to calculate the climber’s final score and final category placement. The higher the points, the harder the route.

Ties will be decided in favor of the climber who used fewer attempts, i.e. falls will break ties. If ties still remain, climbers will climb a route of the next highest category. The climber with control of the most holds wins.