New to climbing? Then use our hour pass. New but returning? Then use our day pass. Back for more? Then make use our monthly membership subscription…
Title | Mô tả sản phẩm | Giá |
Vé Tiêu Chuẩn | Pass that will give access to the facility for 1 hour from the moment of entering climbing area, gear set can be included with the additional cost upon customer request. In case of CRM access will be granted for the following areas: Breakfast Wall ONLY 5th floor. Valo Climbing is not included. | 100,000đ |
Hour Pass | Pass that will give access to the facility for 1 hour from the moment of entering climbing area, gear set can be included with the additional cost upon customer request. In case of CRM access will be granted for the following areas: Breakfast Wall, Pit and Bouldering. Valo Climbing is not included. | 200,000đ |
Vé Ngày | Pass that will give access to the facility for a full day from the moment of purchasing facility until the end of operational hours, gear set can be included with the additional cost upon customer request. In case of CRM access will be granted for the following areas: Breakfast Wall, Pit and Bouldering. Valo Climbing is not included. | 300,000đ |
Group Pass / School Pass + Gear | Pass that will give access to the facility for 1 hour from the moment of entering climbing area. Available for groups 5+ people. In case of CRW access will be granted for the following areas: Breakfast Wall and Bouldering. Valo Climbing is not included. | 200,000đ |
Punch Card | Punch card includes 10 day passes. Punch card valid for 3 months from the activation date – date of the first use in the facility. Gear set for 10 day passes can be purchased additionally upon the request | 2,500,000đ |
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Family/Sport Team Memebership | This Membership is focused on families who have a minimum of 3 climbers . They will have access to climbing facility for 1 month from the purchase date. Memberships purchased for under 14 years old will be allowed in the 4th floor only with adult supervision. otherwise they will stay in the 5th floor. Customers can visit the facility from 10am until 10pm 7 days a week. If customer will provide proof of absence (hospitalization, travel details) during the validation period of their membership – membership can be extended for the duration of their absense according provided documentations. Due to quarantine or forced closed down of the facility upon the circumstances that are not dependant on the customer – membership will be extended for the closing period of the facility. +1,000,000 VND per extra memeber | 5,000,000đ |
Morning Membership | This Membership will granted an access to climbing facility for 1 month from the purchase date. Customer can visit facility from 10am until 4pm. If customer will provide proof of absence (hospitalization, travel details) during the validation period of their membership – membership can be extended for the duration of their absense according provided documentations. Due to quarantine or forced closed down of the facility upon the circumstances that are not dependant on the customer – membership will be extended for the closing period of the facility. | 1,000,000đ |
Evening Membership | This Membership will granted an access to climbing facility for 1 month from the purchase date. Customer can visit facility from 4 pm until 10 pm. If customer will provide proof of absence (hospitalization, travel details) during the validation period of their membership – membership can be extended for the duration of their absense according provided documentations. Due to quarantine or forced closed down of the facility upon the circumstances that are not dependant on the customer – membership will be extended for the closing period of the facilityded. | 1,200,000đ |
Month Membership | This Membership will granted an access to climbing facility for 1 month from the purchase date. Customer can visit facility with no time limit during operational hours. If customer will provide proof of absence (hospitalization, travel details) during the validation period of their membership – membership can be extended for the duration of their absense according provided documentations. Due to quarantine or forced closed down of the facility upon the circumstances that are not dependant on the customer – membership will be extended for the closing period of the facility. | 2,000,000đ |
Resident Membership | This Membership will granted an access to climbing facility for 3 months from the purchase date. Customer can visit facility with no time limit during operational hours. If customer will provide proof of absence (hospitalization, travel details) during the validation period of their membership – membership can be extended for the duration of their absense according provided documentations.Due to quarantine or forced closed down of the facility upon the circumstances that are not dependant on the customer – membership will be extended for the closing period of the facility. | 5,000,000đ |
Six Months Membership | This Membership will granted an access to climbing facility for 6 months from the purchase date. Customer can visit facility with no time limit during operational hours. If customer will provide proof of absence (hospitalization, travel details) during the validation period of their membership – membership can be extended for the duration of their absense according provided documentations. Due to quarantine or forced closed down of the facility upon the circumstances that are not dependant on the customer – membership will be extended for the closing period of the facility. Price calculation: pay for 5 months get 1 month for free. | 10,000,000đ |
One Year Membership | This Membership will granted an access to climbing facility for 1 year from the purchase date. Customer can visit facility with no time limit during operational hours. If customer will provide proof of absence (hospitalization, travel details) during the validation period of their membership – membership can be extended for the duration of their absense according provided documentations. Due to quarantine or forced closed down of the facility upon the circumstances that are not dependant on the customer – membership will be extended for the closing period of the facility. Price calculation: pay for 10 months get 2 month for free. | 20,000,000đ |
Corporate Membership | This Membership will granted an access to climbing facility for 1 month. Customer can visit facility with no time limit during operational hours. If customer will provide proof of absence (hospitalization, travel details) during the validation period of their membership – membership can be extended for the duration of their absense according provided documentations. Due to quarantine or forced closed down of the facility upon the circumstances that are not dependant on the customer – membership will be extended for the closing period of the facility. Customers can access this membership only through their employeer – in this case the facility will sign contract with the company for 1 year period minimum for 10 people a month with no maximum limit. Company will pay monthly for all the emplyeers who sign up for usage of the climbing gym through bank transfer. Person can use this preferantial membership only while they are officially eployed at the company. The company is required to give the list of the employees who signed up memberships at the beggining of each month. Membership are valid for 1 calendar month. |
1,000,000đ |
Title | Mô tả sản phẩm | Giá |
Push Member Day Pass | Special price for Push Climbing Members for both facilities. If customer purchased membership in Push Climbing D2 facility or CRM they will have a possibility to visit other gym for the preferential price. It is Day pass with gear is not included. This offer can be used no more than 10 times a month per member and with valid membership. | 150,000đ |
Trading Tuesday | Weekly event that will happened every Tuesday from 10am until 5pm. Customers can use this special offer only when they have a valid membership in any fitness or sport facility in HCM City. Gear is included. | 200,000đ |
Girls Got Power | Weekly event that will happened every Wednesday from 10am until 5pm. Only female customers can use this offer. No age limit. Gear is included. | 200,000đ |
ƯU ĐÃI CHO PHÁI NAM | Weekly event that will happened every Thursday from 10am until 5pm. Only male customers can use this offer. No age limit. Gear is included. | 200,000đ |
Family Weekend – Sat and Sun | Weekly event that give preferrential price for all kids under 14 y.o who meet the height and weight requirements. Time 10 am – 2 pm. In case of CRM – this pass will give an access to the Breakfast Wall only. Gear is included | 200,000đ |
Title | Mô tả sản phẩm | Giá |
Novice | 1 game per person | 40,000đ |
Gamer | 2 games per person | 60,000đ |
Adventurer Pack | 5 games valid for 1 day – can be shared with friends | 150,000đ |
Family Pack | Punch card for 10 games , valid for 1 month, can be exchange between friends. | 300,000đ |
Party Pack | Punch card for 20 games , valid for 3 months, can be exchange between friends. | 500,000đ |
Title | Mô tả sản phẩm | Giá |
Bộ Thiết bị Leo núi | Includes Harness + Shoes (Chalk bag optional) – customer can use as long as their pass is valid. Can not be taken home and use only on the climbing area. | 40,000đ |
Giày Leo Núi Chuyên dụng | Rental climbing shoes of the appropriate size. Can be used only with socks. Desinfected after each use. Connected to the limit of their pass. | 60,000đ |
Thiết Bị Belay | Rope management device. Connected to the limit of their pass. | 100,000đ |
Đai leo núi | Harness adjusted to the size of the customer. Connected to the limit if their pass. If instructor’s are not sure in the condition of the customer’s harness – they can insist on the rental equipment or deny entry to the climbing area. | 30,000đ |
Túi Phấn | Climbing bag with 10 gr. of chalk. Connected to the limit of their pass. | 20,000đ |
Rope | Climbing rope for lead climbing or climbing course practice. | 200,000đ |
Quick Draws Set (10 pcs) | Quick Draws – lead climbing equipment. Connected to the limit of their pass. | 150,000đ |